Saturday, April 16, 2011


Some new pictures I found that I loved and wanted to share with all of my Wiccan friends. I love my new faith.

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Confession

I know its been a while since I've posted, but school keeps me rediculously busy. So heres the update with me. My parents are trying to convert me along with 2 or 3 of my close friends. I've hidden a relationship from my friends for months because my love and I broke up for a single day and got back together. I feel terrible but I didn't want to seem like an idiot. To my friends who are reading: I'm sorry, please forgive me and whatever you do please don't confront me about this, trust me I feel terrible enough as is. I'm eating ramen noodles for a month because I need to save money due to a new computer I got so if I seem paler, I'm probably slightly malnurished. I love my friends and never ment to hurt any of you. Forgive me please. I'm probably failing some classes and I'm rather depressed about it. In fact everything piling up has made me depressed and right now Sam is the only one making me happy. So to everyone: this is my confession, I'm sorry.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Persecution of a Witch

Today my father found out I am Pagan. Today, today I was persecuted for something I believe is right. The persecution of anyone is wrong. Why do we then persecute that with which we are not familiar? Is a pear not unfamiliar before we first try it? Yet why is it that we do not spurn the pear, yet we spurn the witch? Surely this cannot make sense. Pitty as it were. If only....if only I were accepted for myself. I sent my father a long, thought out reason as to why I should be able to practice my religion as I wish and he refuses to answer it. I am close to requesting specifically that my request is answered post haste. He said that I need to hide my religion because I am an embarrassment to him. I refuse to go back in the broom closet. I love my religion and I'm proud of it. Raising a Pagan child/adult is apparently severely frowned upon. If only he would accept me as I am. Anyone have any comments? ......Anyone?
-The Rejected and Dejected

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Dead Soldiers

One of my close friends is a medically discharged x Marine and today I get a call with absolutely terrible news.... 2 of his x coworkers were shot due to a bad decision made by the corporal who took over post friend's leave. May they rest in peace. And not pieces. I know that's not funny but I couldn't resist. But thats beside the point. Today I admitted to a close, yet bible beating friend of mine that I am now Pagan and proud of it. I cannot tell you how terrified I was that they would stop talking to me all together. Luckily I ended up getting an IM soon after talking to me yet again. Also I may be getting a new computer because of the bad quality of my current one which likes to make the keys not work and freeze up along with randomely shut down.Well in other news, Sarah has gained an e-stalker. I was on a chat site and a sorta attractive guy decides to talk to me. No big deal right? Wrong. Then he asks for my number which I give to him, then he asks me for my skype, yahoo, and we start talking. The next day he IMs me most of the day and asks if we can skype while I'm cooking dinner. NO! He asks why not and of course I reply because I'm focusing on dinner. But in other other news, my coach has decided next week to start me on layback spins. I. AM. DOOMED! Pray for me.... Until next time,-The Terrified Figure Skater

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Shopping and the Pentacle

So yesterday I was so bored and tired of homework that me and a close friend went to the mall, me, usually very unlucky with things ended up finding a dress and a new purse along with getting my necklace today. Best of all the pentacle goes great with the necklace since both are a deep purple.
The Pentacle and the Cross
Very literal blog meaning I know. Its about time we had a picture of both. A few days ago I noticed I had a follower so to that follower I give a shout out! Hey! Thanks for following my blog! I don't know you but I think its awsome that you'd follow my little ole blog.
Blessed Be, The Girl With the Pentacle and a Cross